Scenario: Customer is in your office to transfer a vehicle title into their name. They also tell you that the vehicle class and make/model are incorrect. Follow these steps in order to process this transaction.
1. Click on Change/Correct Title and Vehicle Details
2. Next click on the drop down menu and select “Incorrect Legacy Data”. You must also check the box acknowledging that this will correct the original transaction
3. Depending on what corrections are made, the transaction will typically require that a duplicate title be issued. If you do NOT want a title to be issued by the State of MN, but instead are using the title the customer has with them, you have to go back to the first panel and click on the “Do Not Issue Corrected Title” hyperlink. This will prevent a new title to be issued and will allow you to complete the title transfer the same day while the customer is still in your office.
Note: This hyperlink will not show up until after you have made the correction. Once you have made changes to the incorrect data, you can return back to this screen and the hyperlink should be there. Depending on what data is being correct, a new title may or may not be issued.