February 8, 2021
MDRA has finalized plans to again contract with Winona State University to conduct our regular “time and motion” studies to supplement our documentation for needed filing fee increases with our lawmakers. This annual study with member participation greatly helps our efforts! Much like previous years, both motor vehicle and driver license transactions will be studied over a 5-day period.
Last year, over 50 offices participated in the study and we encourage deputy involvement this year to meet or exceed that number! We readily recognize the ongoing demands and burdens already being placed on all offices caused by the pandemic and regret the imposition we are asking you with this, but we wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. Please watch for a special communication coming later this week from MDRA and WSU with further details and information regarding this important project!
Attached to this legislative update is the current MDRA legislation chart. This cumulative report grows with additional bill introductions that have occurred since our previous update, which are highlighted in blue. The chart grows with new bills added to the previous version and will be displayed only in this manner until the next update. However, any bills highlighted in yellow will continue remaining as being of “special interest”.
Download the MDRA Chart of 2021 Introduced Legislation
In closing, please remember to faithfully stay in weekly contact with your individual state legislators as previously requested. We anticipate pivoting from that to requesting similar calls to targeted transportation committee members later this month. Please contact MDRA if you have any questions!
Thank you, deputies and keep warm in this brutal cold spell!
Jim Hirst, MDRA lobbyist