The House Transportation Committee has signaled that they will hear our filing fee increase bill from last year (HF 1008-Elkins) either this Thursday March 5, or else next week on March 10 or 12. This committee meets in Room 10 of the State Office Building across from the state capitol from 12:45 PM to 2:15 PM.
While our legislation last session called for fee increases that we identified as appropriate then, our most recent time and motion studies combined with recently revealed new investments for equipment that will be mandated on all deputies requires this legislation to be amended with higher amounts. That amendment has been drafted and is prepared for adoption at this hearing.
Over the past month MDRA has urged members to contact their local state lawmakers regarding the critical need for fee increases. This was complemented with our annual Day on the Hill event two weeks ago as well. Now, in advance of the anticipated House Transportation Committee hearing, we are asking all offices to call House committee members and urge their support of HF 1008 as amended by our author (Rep. Elkins).
FYI, the new increased amounts in the amendment will reflect a DL increase of $8, MV long form increase of $6, and MV short form increase of $5.
Please call the following targeted list of House members and leave word with the lawmaker’s receptionist that, “as a deputy registrar still struggling to meet the demands of the public and the State we serve, passage of increased filing fees for the services we provide are critical this session. Please pass HF 1008 (Elkins) as amended in the transportation committee.” Furthermore, remember to include your name, location, and phone contact in your message. Feel free to expand upon this message that is tailored to your experiences in support of our efforts as well.
The House Transportation Committee is comprised of 19 House members. Recognizing that your time is valuable in reaching out to all these legislator offices, we are proposing this task be split among all offices in the following manner by range of your deputy location number: (Certainly you may contact the full list of all house members if you wish and are able!)
Deputy Registrar offices 001 thru 045:
Rep. Frank Hornstein 651-296-9281
Rep. Paul Torkelson 651-296-9303
Rep. Connie Bernardy 651-296-5510
Rep. Alice Hausman 651-296-3824
Rep. John Heinrich 651-296-1729
Deputy Registrar offices 046 thru 090:
Rep. Frank Hornstein 651-296-9281
Rep. Paul Torkelson 651-296-9303
Rep. Erin Koegel 651-296-5369
Rep. Jon Koznick 651-296-6926
Rep. Sandy Masin 651-296-3533
Rep. Mike Nelson 651-296-3751
Deputy Registrar offices 091 thru 136:
Rep. Frank Hornstein 651-296-9281
Rep. Paul Torkelson 651-296-9303
Rep. Tim O’Driscoll 651-296-7808
Rep. John Petersburg 651-296-5368
Rep. Ruth Richardson 651-296-4192
Rep. Linda Runbeck 651-296-2907
Deputy Registrar offices 137 thru 180:
Rep. Frank Hornstein 651-296-9281
Rep. Paul Torkelson 651-296-9303
Rep. Brad Tabke 651-296-8872
Rep. Nolan West 651-296-4226
Rep. Dan Wolgamott 651-296-6612
Rep. Cheryl Youakim 651-296-9889
Thank you, deputies for your immediate attention to this request. Please expect a separate alert this week that targets members of the Senate Transportation Committee with similar phone calls in advance of their hearing with this legislation, likely to be scheduled on either March 10 or 11.