04/11/2022 – SQRS to Add
- SQR 50029: Error when releasing lien with lien management transaction
Already Migrated into production (migrated 4/5/2022)
- SQR 44476: Temp stay standard duplicate not able to be approved due to credential expired
- SQR 50016: VTAP’s forcing on demand orders
Migrated 4/8/2022
- SQR 48658: Do not require homemade trailer photo on MN title transfer
03/25/2022: SQRS to Add
- SQR 43792: Error finalizing Title Reg Transaction after Legacy Review case was approved
- SQR 49196: Validating a valid address does not remove error from lienholder address
- SQR 48676: when a lien is released we should not require the address to be verified on the released lien
- SQR 46613: original Minnesota Plate fixes
- SQR48658: Do not require homemade trailer photo on MN title transfer
To be migrated into production Monday night:
- SQR 41610: Dev Suggestion: Street Rod Plates
- SQR 49957: changing from plicker to CT; supplemental transaction failing
Already Migrated into production (migrated on 03/25/2022)
- SQR 44476: Temp stay standard duplicate not able to be approved due to credential expired
- SQR 50016: VTAP’s forcing on demand orders
02/01/2022 – New SQRs to be added to the list to prioritize:
- 49481: Fast Track: DLR HFR with a salvage and prior salvage brand will not go to fast track queue
- 48775: Client log error adding additional owner during a Transfer transaction
This SQR went into production the night of Monday January 24th:
- 47305: Title type and title issue type need to pull in ‘original’ title date for correct fees
This SQR was passed 1/27/2022 and it waiting for migration into MNDRIVE:
- 49077: Commercial permits should be able to be issued past exp if not generating a registration
This SQR was prioritized by the DR as their #3 priority:
- SQR 43522: Title Corrections, allow Update Odometer for Customer Request correction type.
This SQR was removed from the DR’s priority list this week:
- SQR 49452: passenger vehicles can be (BY) Bus but cannot process with vehicle type as Passenger and add weight
- SQR 49408 was rejected this week as being handled under solution 49781.
Migrated into production on 01/18/2022
- 45940: Warning for DLN being used in vehicle transaction when customer is marked as deceased
- 43522: Title Corrections, allow update odometer for customer request correction type
- 46442: Salvage Inspection is being missed in validation
- 49408: Link Owner Sv Transaction – String was not recognized as a valid Date/Time
Migrated into production on 01/13/2022
- 48649: EVTR financials not updating in review case after correction-prevents case approval
- 48891: Change/correct title on DUPVIN not allowing the correction to complete
- 49087: allow clearing salvage inspection when special services salvage inspection is selected in the deficiency
- 49126: Check for current IRP registration when issuing 90 day weight increase temps
Migrated in production on 01/06/2022
- 49322: Cannot add Farm Quarterly or Lease Extension registrations
I never sent this one to you as it was written and migrated in the same day.
Migrated into production on 12/26/2021
- 48927: Add ability to release lien on clear dealer conditional with OOS as the ownership documents
- 44550: Relationship is not printing on the title application
Migrated into production on 12/21/2021
- 45847: Add ability to scan Documents in Replace Plate and Change Plate Transaction
Migrated into production on 12/1/2021
- 48504: Reg Corrections reducing weight not calculating the correct credit